Category Archives: Landscape


So my portrait photography class took a field trip to Carmel to visit John Sexton (SUPER COOL!), and stopped by the beach on the way there. I took some panoramas, and had to share because the beach was so gorgeous with the rocks and fluid waves and beautiful clouds in the sky 🙂 So here they are 🙂 And just for fun, one is up and down.


Last Sunday, I went to Lake Hennessey about half an hour away from school with a few of my friends. We went for another assignment, but while the sun was setting I took the chance to attempt a full circle panorama so here it is, after only about an hour of Photoshop churning!

Expanding :)

I don’t usually do landscapes (or Photoshop), and today, I did both! As I was driving to school from home, the lighting was SO incredibly gorgeous and the clouds looked wonderful so I just had to pull over and dig my camera out and shoot it. Unfortunately, there were phone lines in the way and I just could not avoid them. I ended up having to Photoshop them out, so here is my before and after! Even though its not my thing, I thought I grabbed this light pretty well 🙂 enjoy 🙂

San Diego!

Last weekend I was in San Diego with my lovely boyfriend and his family for their grandparents 50th anniversary party and I got to photograph all weekend. There were some beautiful decorations, and lovely flowers at the party. The next day we made it to the beach which I loved 🙂



The view from my school is beautiful, and this assignment to take panoramas at certain times of day produced some wonderful pictures. However, this wasn’t as easy as it sounds. We have to take one at sunrise. Those of you who know me well, you know it must be practically a miracle, or an impeding zombie apocalypse to get me out of bed before double digits arrive, much less BEFORE sunrise, so I can take a picture AT sunrise. Three, sunset and after sunset were a breeze, but sunrise was killer. Forgetting about how early it was, though hard, I actually enjoyed taking these. I loved being able to use manual mode to create a silhouette of the mountains, which in turn created beautiful tones in the sky. So, without further ado, the view from the front of my campus!

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On Sunday, there was a solar eclipse. Where I am, the moon covered about 90% of the sun’s diameter. This phenomenon won’t occur again until 2017, so naturally I went out to take pictures. The sun was so bright that even when I used my very smallest aperture, and my fastest shutter speed, the sun sort of just looked like a big bright white blob. However, I had better luck incorporating it into a really cool landscape. Furthermore, during an eclipse, shadows appear differently and trees throw crescents all over. I loved capturing these unique shadows, more than the eclipse itself. So here are eight of my most successful shots from this lovely Sunday evening 🙂


In order to challenge typical perspective we chose one object to take pictures of, from four different viewpoints. I chose a bench that is on the lawn outside my dorm 🙂 From each perspective, we had to take at least ten pictures and choose our top two. Here are my top two of each 🙂

First there was the viewpoint of a young child, both height and wonderment regarding everyday objects.


Next, as if we were a worm.


In contrast, then it was as if we were a giant.


Lastly, we had to use motion, as if we were dizzy or moving.

The Land

These images were for a landscape project I had. The house I took out of the window of a moving car, and loved that the house was clear while everything else was in motion.