Category Archives: Fine Art


This quarter, I am taking a class called Digital Darkroom, taught by Brian Kyle, our new photo professor who is AWESOME! We’re using Lightroom and Photoshop to do some more advanced photo editing. Professor Kyle showed us how to colorize old photos and repair old photos with rips or tears. Here are the two we were given for homework practice, before and after. I feel like the coloring went really well, I liked how it turned out. However, repairing the photo with a whole corner missing was really hard. It wasn’t easy to fill in the whole other half of his jacket, but I got it done! I actually enjoyed restoring the old photos because I like old photos and the glimpse we get into past life, it feels like restoring memories, which is a special thing to be able to do. So, here they are 🙂

Strawberry Shortcake

My friend and I made completely homemade strawberry shortcake with strawberry and boysenberry compote and fresh whipped cream. It was SO pretty I just had to try my hand at food photography and here it is!


A new lens! A fantastic man, who may now be my favorite, from my church has given me a 18-200mm lens to borrow for the duration of my Brazil trip. It is a beautiful lovely lens, and I feel so professional using it! Here are two pictures from the UC Davis Greenhouse taken with it 🙂

San Diego!

Last weekend I was in San Diego with my lovely boyfriend and his family for their grandparents 50th anniversary party and I got to photograph all weekend. There were some beautiful decorations, and lovely flowers at the party. The next day we made it to the beach which I loved 🙂


Memorial Weekend

Well, I am quite happy this Friday, before Memorial Weekend. In one short hour, I will be on my way home! So in honor of this holiday weekend, and my good mood, here are some pretty flower pictures that I’ve been collecting from the flowerbeds around campus in the mornings when they’re all dewy and beautiful 🙂


Shutter speed is what affects how motion is portrayed in photos. If you use a long shutter speed, say 1/30th of a second, or even one whole second.. Each of these was taken at 1/30 minimum.

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Forced Perspective

All of you have seen forced perspective pictures, like people holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and pinching their friend’s tiny heads, but not everyone may have realized what that’s called. I tried my own, from one I saw and liked. Mine didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped but I liked the concept. Forced perspective was more difficult to do than I had realized, but I think it turned out well nonetheless. I also have to give props to my model Jacquie, over at 🙂

Cross Process

This is one of my absolute favorite effects 🙂 It was originally discovered when film developers in the 60’s mixed up two chemicals, thus creating this type of color effect. In digital photography, the same effect can be produced in Photoshop by changing the curves and adding a warming filter. This picture was taken outside yesterday when the lighting was GORGEOUS, at around 5:30 🙂 I loved how it looked with my favorite effect 🙂Image

Vintage Flowers

Since Vintage effects seem to be “in” right now, I thought I’d try my hand a my own vintage effect. I lowered saturation and vibrance, and put a sepia toned filter over the top. I also used radial gradients to create a light center and dark edges. Lastly, a gaussian blur and history brush helped create the dramatic difference between the clear and blurred parts of the image 🙂 And there are my vintage dried flowers 🙂

The Brand

In this project, we were to pick an object or location, about which we were to shoot twelve diverse pictures to show a sense of style.