Category Archives: Event Documentary



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Fencing 6

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I took some pictures at VBS and here were some of the best. The kids at our church are so cute and I had fun watching them and walking around. They were all so cute wanting to see the pictures I had taken.


I know its way past the 4th of July, but here is a lovely slideshow of a firework show I went to in case you missed them! I took these on bulb mode, holding open the shutter just long enough for each firework to appear fully.

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The Moment

A few of my friends and I play this game, Settlers of Catan, every few Friday nights so it was a great choice to take pictures of because I was already comfortable with the subjects. We have a lot of fun playing although I wasn’t concentrating as much as I usually do. It was a little challenging to get candid shots because they noticed when I was taking pictures, but I got a few 🙂

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