Monthly Archives: November 2012


So my portrait photography class took a field trip to Carmel to visit John Sexton (SUPER COOL!), and stopped by the beach on the way there. I took some panoramas, and had to share because the beach was so gorgeous with the rocks and fluid waves and beautiful clouds in the sky 🙂 So here they are 🙂 And just for fun, one is up and down.

Fashion Editing

Also for Digital Darkroom, we are working on editing portraits. Not just color-balancing or sharpening, but brightening eyes, smoothening skin and other edits that appear in fashion portraits. In this shoot I was taking high key portraits with my lovely model Larissa. This picture was a perfect one to use for editing! It’s not really my style, but I liked how it turned out! 🙂

Here are my pre and post-edit 🙂


This quarter, I am taking a class called Digital Darkroom, taught by Brian Kyle, our new photo professor who is AWESOME! We’re using Lightroom and Photoshop to do some more advanced photo editing. Professor Kyle showed us how to colorize old photos and repair old photos with rips or tears. Here are the two we were given for homework practice, before and after. I feel like the coloring went really well, I liked how it turned out. However, repairing the photo with a whole corner missing was really hard. It wasn’t easy to fill in the whole other half of his jacket, but I got it done! I actually enjoyed restoring the old photos because I like old photos and the glimpse we get into past life, it feels like restoring memories, which is a special thing to be able to do. So, here they are 🙂