Monthly Archives: October 2012

Location Lighting

Portrait Photo this quarter has been my absolute favorite class I’ve taken so far. Professor Turner is so sweet and is great at demonstrating different portrait lighting techniques, in and out of studio. Well this assignment was like a mash-up. He has a set of portable studio lights, and we had to take the lights out and use them somewhere outside. My friend Jacquie and I went out together with the lights and our models. Props to my wonderful model Sarah Hall who managed to smile beautifully with thousand watt lights shining in her eyes!!! We had quite a time with the wind and the umbrellas and setting up the transformer and untangling like, a million cords, and I think the boaters thought we were a bit crazy. Jacquie and I, however, got some beautiful portraits with a beautiful sunset on the lake with the mountains as a background 🙂 Which one do you like best?

And can’t forget! Here is Jacquie’s blog 🙂


Last Sunday, I went to Lake Hennessey about half an hour away from school with a few of my friends. We went for another assignment, but while the sun was setting I took the chance to attempt a full circle panorama so here it is, after only about an hour of Photoshop churning!


So, this isn’t my usual, but here is some of my design work from Illustration I.

This was a T-shirt design assignment. We started with 9 and narrowed it down to three and then one. So here are my beginning nine, and my final one.

Expanding :)

I don’t usually do landscapes (or Photoshop), and today, I did both! As I was driving to school from home, the lighting was SO incredibly gorgeous and the clouds looked wonderful so I just had to pull over and dig my camera out and shoot it. Unfortunately, there were phone lines in the way and I just could not avoid them. I ended up having to Photoshop them out, so here is my before and after! Even though its not my thing, I thought I grabbed this light pretty well 🙂 enjoy 🙂