Monthly Archives: April 2012

Forced Perspective

All of you have seen forced perspective pictures, like people holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and pinching their friend’s tiny heads, but not everyone may have realized what that’s called. I tried my own, from one I saw and liked. Mine didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped but I liked the concept. Forced perspective was more difficult to do than I had realized, but I think it turned out well nonetheless. I also have to give props to my model Jacquie, over atΒ πŸ™‚

Cross Process

This is one of my absolute favorite effects πŸ™‚ It was originally discovered when film developers in the 60’s mixed up two chemicals, thus creating this type of color effect. In digital photography, the same effect can be produced in Photoshop by changing the curves and adding a warming filter. This picture was taken outside yesterday when the lighting was GORGEOUS, at around 5:30 πŸ™‚ I loved how it looked with my favorite effect πŸ™‚Image

White Balance

Its amazing how much white balance can affect how your photos look. Here are four pictures I took of the same pipe, and the same shutter speed and F-stop, but all four with a different white balance. Each one has a totally different mood.Β ImageImageImageImage

Color Wheel

Though it isn’t a traditional wheel, these strips are my idea of a color wheel and I used photos to create a photo collage of colors. Here are my beginning 14 colors.

And then here is the finished product, with photos from

And lastly, here is a color wheel I painted for another class, using basic red, yellow, blue, white and black paint. The outside circles are tints, chromatic neutrals, and shades respectively. It reminds me of the spinning beach ball of death that shows up on my Mac every time I try to do too many things at once πŸ™‚