Monthly Archives: March 2012

Vintage Flowers

Since Vintage effects seem to be “in” right now, I thought I’d try my hand a my own vintage effect. I lowered saturation and vibrance, and put a sepia toned filter over the top. I also used radial gradients to create a light center and dark edges. Lastly, a gaussian blur and history brush helped create the dramatic difference between the clear and blurred parts of the image 🙂 And there are my vintage dried flowers 🙂

The Brand

In this project, we were to pick an object or location, about which we were to shoot twelve diverse pictures to show a sense of style.


Before and After

I just wanted to show some of my process and how I work. Here are some before and after editing pictures I have done 🙂

The Light

This project was to create an interesting fine art picture with an interesting use of light. 

Eye am Colorful

This series of pictures is of girls who are my friends and family who I had all sorts of fun painting their faces and doing their makeup in a way that I thought made them look even more beautiful than I think they already are. These are also early attempts to recreate fashion photography I like. 

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In Memory Of…

This is my own personal photo memorial to my dear friend Katie Cramer who lost her fight with cancer just over a year ago. She loved the beach and for me the ribbon represents the memories I have of her there at the beach where she loved, and was interestingly enough frightened of the actual water. This project is very personal and close to my heart. I miss you and love you Katie dear 🙂

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